Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Benefits Of Organogold Green Tea

Featured Product: Organo Gold Organic Green Tea
By marketing Published: September 5, 2010

Organo Gold’s unique blend of high quality Organic Green Tea & Ganoderma Lucidum gives this beverage an enticing flavor. Many people are enjoying the smooth and original taste of Organo Gold’s green tea and its rejuvenating health benefits, but did you know that green tea has a long and interesting history?
The discovery of tea dates back over 4,000 years ago. Ancient legends say, China’s 2nd Emperor Shen Nong was boiling water under a tree when leaves fell into his pot creating a colored substance with an attractive aroma. He took a sip and instantly enjoyed the delicious taste and deemed it a medicinal drink. People in China noticed green tea aided in their digestion and helped them lose weight. Green tea was so well known for aiding in weight loss that during times of famine people discontinued drinking it as a way to reserve their fat storage. Scientific research has shown that the properties in green tea may in fact aid in weight loss.
Green tea comes from unfermented leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Substances in green tea contain high amounts of polyphenols called catechins that may trigger weight loss. Catechins help stimulate the body into burning calories and affect body fat accumulation. The catechins in green tea also contain anti-inflammatory properties and together with organic Ganoderma Lucidum, Organo Gold’s Green tea is a powerful blend rich in antioxidants. Suitable for daily drinking, many people are discovering the joys in Organo Gold products and the opportunity that lies within each Independent Distributor.
Organo Gold’s mission is to bring the treasures of the earth to the people of the earth. By becoming an Independent Distributor, your help in our mission to share Ganoderma will be rewarded by a generous compensation plan. Distributors will have the chance to make their financial dreams possible while enjoying the health benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum and Organo Gold products. Be a part of the Organo Gold Opportunity now!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Music these days have changed and evolved from what was considered to be one of God's greatest gifts and assets to mankind (On the outside of a woman that is) into a requeium of transition and conformity which has reshaped an industry that was once a booming success.

Transforming ones Life, Love and Romance into "The Freedom to say what you will now is the hype or hysteria of a newer generation of young artist, vibrant and charismatic individuals who have taken spoken word to another level. Rap, Hip Hop, Trip Hop and Auto tuning has made its mark on the once illustrious gift of song and true instrumentation.
Now there is a new cool- No more "Walking our Body" Now we "Drop it like it's Hot!
No more "Shaking our Pants! to the Rhythm Swing." Guys and Girls rocking
"Apple Bottom and Skinny Jeans__!" No more Kris Kross, Now teenagers pants are
hanging below there knees AND even some thirty-something grown-ups walking around showing their "Boxers and Briefs" Where have we lost our focus? is the Question.

But is this what Freedom of Speech means?

No more "One Nation Under A Groove!" or "Come Into My World." But plenty of
The World Is MINE! N???
What are your thoughts on this?