Sunday, May 9, 2010


Music these days have changed and evolved from what was considered to be one of God's greatest gifts and assets to mankind (On the outside of a woman that is) into a requeium of transition and conformity which has reshaped an industry that was once a booming success.

Transforming ones Life, Love and Romance into "The Freedom to say what you will now is the hype or hysteria of a newer generation of young artist, vibrant and charismatic individuals who have taken spoken word to another level. Rap, Hip Hop, Trip Hop and Auto tuning has made its mark on the once illustrious gift of song and true instrumentation.
Now there is a new cool- No more "Walking our Body" Now we "Drop it like it's Hot!
No more "Shaking our Pants! to the Rhythm Swing." Guys and Girls rocking
"Apple Bottom and Skinny Jeans__!" No more Kris Kross, Now teenagers pants are
hanging below there knees AND even some thirty-something grown-ups walking around showing their "Boxers and Briefs" Where have we lost our focus? is the Question.

But is this what Freedom of Speech means?

No more "One Nation Under A Groove!" or "Come Into My World." But plenty of
The World Is MINE! N???
What are your thoughts on this?